Costa Rican Vehicle Owners Need to Register with Cosevi by End of April
By April 26th of this year, all vehicle owners in Costa Rica must register their email by filling out and sending a special form to COSEVI, the Consejo de Seguridad Vial.
This requirement is part of the new Transit Law 9078 that came into effect on October 26th, 2012 and states that email will be the official manner in which vehicle owners will be informed of any traffic violations or fines.
The form can be downloaded at the link below:
Cosevi Form
Once on that page, click on the button “Descargar Formulario” to download the document.
The form can be sent to COSEVI by delivering it personally to an authorized office or sending via email. The authorized offices are listed below. Be sure to include a copy of your passport or cedula along with the signed form.
COSEVI Main Offices in La Uruca
Departamentos de Licenses
Oficinas de Impugnaciones
Oficinas de Placas Detenidas
Any Riteve Inspection Station
Any Transit Police Station
If you prefer to email the form, you can sign, scan and send it to [email protected] Be sure to include a copy of your passport or cedula.
If your car is titled in the name of a corporation, the form should be signed by the corporate signatory and copies of a current personeria juridica and cedula or passport should also be sent.
It seems that the easiest way to register your email address is to send it via email. However, if you would like to have proof of delivery of the completed form and documents, we recommend you visit one of the offices mentioned above, bring a copy of all documents, and have the copies signed and stamped by the person who receives them.
Please let us know if you have any questions.